Compare two SPOJ users
Whenever you are practicing questions on
SPOJ you tend to follow some user. Since you are following him/her you need to look for the questions that were solved by him/her and not by you. So Instead of manually looking at all the question codes, you can simply
execute this script.
The following python script will tell you which questions the other user solved and you didn't. Instead of spending a lot of time checking every question code if it has been solved by you or not; you can simply execute following script and find out the answer ;)
Prerequisite :
- python2.7
- urllib2
- BeautifulSoup4
To install BeautifulSoup4 (140KB), execute the lines below
sudo pip install beautifulsoup4
To execute the script, follow the following steps:
It will output
all the questions solved by USERNAME2 and not by USERNAME1
So if you are comparing yourself to other user, you should execute it as
Author: Arpit Bhayani
1. urllib2
2. beautifulsoup4
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import urllib2
import sys
Returns BeautifulSoup4 object from username
def fetch(username):
d = urllib2.urlopen('' + username).read()
return BeautifulSoup(d)
def get_codes(u, d):
solved = set()
tables = d.find(id='user-profile-tables').find_all('table')
except AttributeError:
print "Invalid Username : ", u
for i in tables[0].find_all('a'):
code = i.get_text().strip()
if code != '':
return solved
def compare(user1, user2):
d1 = fetch(user1)
d2 = fetch(user2)
solved1 = get_codes(user1, d1)
solved2 = get_codes(user2, d2)
for i in solved2.difference(solved1):
print i
if len(sys.argv) < 3:
print "Usage: python <USERNAME1> <USERNAME2>"
compare(sys.argv[1], sys.argv[2])
If you liked the script then do share it ;)